Thursday, February 20, 2014

4th Quarter Reflection

Fourth year comes to an end. Fourth quarter is already at the ti of nearly the end. Time is surely not on our side. How would I wish we can go back rewind all the things that made this school year a happy one. I admit it Fourth year may not be the most awesome school year for me but it is the most different and unique of all. Within this quarter I felt all the pressure that I never expected I would have.

The month of January was a new beginning for this quarter but it also was the month for me to finish all the requirements needed for my college life. I went to a two-day training, two-day interview and five-day medical examination all was scheduled on school days. So this quarter precious time in school was indeed wasted. on the contrary it gave me the benefit of preparing for my college life.

As I remember when I often ask questions to the seniors before me of how fourth year life is. they are indeed correct. It is like reviewing for the next level of your life. That was really the feeling I had. For every quarter it helped me in reviewing for my entrance exams. Successfully I passed them all, the three maritime schools, and UP.

My Dream, My Future

What if you have the chance to have a glimpse of your own future? It would surely be a great opportunity. However would you be satisfied if you discovered you did not achieve the dream you always wanted to be? It surely be a great disappointment. In reality we don't have to face that problem. Because we don't hold our destiny we can only plan and dream for the future. Do you believe to the saying that whatever you want you would get if you have the determination.

Dreams when you are still a child is different from dreams you now have. That is true before I wanted to become a doctor because of the reason to help the poor but I was surely a child thinking of just helping others and they would just say thank you. Today I always dream to be a Captain of a ship. This dream of mine is not a silly dream anymore. Being a captain gives me the opportunity of having the materials that I ever since wanted to have, not just that my sole purpose was to give my family a good future. Becoming a captain also gives me the chance to really help those who are poor.

Dreams are the structure or the pillar of my future. Without it my life would have no direction. It may waste my time trying every thing in my life just to find the sole purpose of it. With my dreams they just give a meaning into my life. With every step of the way my dreams will guide me of what I should do to have a great future.

Change It Starts With Me

            For what a person was before doesn’t affect the person he is right now and who he will be in the future. The things you regret before should not be reason for you to waste time and let life be. We hold every decision that we make in our lives but we don’t know what will happen thorough the process. What the result might be each of us should be ready to accept and also to be ready to stand up and change what made you go down.
            In every person’s life there are mistakes that were committed. Some had the will to change it all and some just let it be and that made them to be the person they wished they should not have been. Can you picture the life of those who are in need? The life of having one set of clothes and 2 times a day of food or maybe only once a day of food. Then there are these groups of people grieving for the death of our country. It has risen before but sank after sometime tied to the ropes of cruelty, corruption, abuse and other kinds of violence.
            As what Jose Rizal mentioned before that we children are the hope of our country it should start now. To those who made a mistake that alters the road to good life should stand and change how things works out to be. Poverty is not a hindrance in changing the life of your family. Be patient and strong in facing life’s challenges.

Kannawidan is Fun!

Kannawidan festival is celebrated every year by the province of Ilocos Sur. This festivity comes so that the province of Ilocos Sur can showcase the products, talents, culture and tradition of ilocanos. An Ilocano is not just known to be a simple person but an Ilocano is a proud person, ready to showcase what creativity he has. So in this kannawidan festival you will not just see our OTOP (one town one product) but the tradition we have and also our culture. However for me the kannawidan this year is different in such a way, in my own experience.

I remember the days when I was still young, I always get bored when my mother and I go to the product stands during Kannawidan.  But this year is a different experience for me. This year not only the product stands that are present but on the other side of the stadium, there stands the two ferris wheels and other circus rides that gave fun for both children and adults. I called it fun also because of the reason that it was my first time to ride a ferris wheel and it gave me joy.

The Kannawidan Festival was very successful this year. It was a festival that was jampacked with fun activities. Nights of concerts, shows and pageant gave a reason for tourists to come and visit Region 1.  

Sunday, January 19, 2014

New Year, New Me?

Before the year ends, most of us make their own resolutions. Maybe 40% of those who made would really do it and the remaining 60% won't. It is a part of their routine but in the end they don't try to give their best to make both ends meet. However I still salute those who try to change for the better.

It maybe a new year but it is not necessary for everyone to change. Everyday you meet someone you don't know. everyday  you experience something you did not before. Everyday you see yourself different from other persons. So there is a tendency that you might go with them, do what they do, and change.

There is no really specific time, where or when you need to think of yourself that you need to change. Change is the only constant thing that happens in this world. When you need to change then change. Don't wait for the year to end then make a new years resolution. If you feel that there is a need for a change in yourself then go.

Monday, January 13, 2014

3rd Quarter Reflection

            Third quarter has already ended. Was it all enough? Did I do good on my quizzes and examination? Did I engage that much in recitations for me to have high grades? Was my subject teacher pleased in my performances?
            It is now the last quarter and last months of stay in Ilocos Sur National High School but before thinking of that I will go back to what has happened to me in the third grading period and make an evaluation.
            These past few months nothing big happened to me when it comes to my extra-curricular activities. On the other hand I had my chance in my academic part. When my other classmates are out for their trainings or workshops, I take it as an opportunity for me to shine and have many recitations.
            I enjoyed in this quarter reciting and engaging in the activities in our math subject. I did not expect that solving logarithms is fun. Before, I told myself that logarithmic equations will give me headaches but it turns not to be that way, the other way around.
            Responsibilities and duties in this quarter is not too bad also. We went out for the bigay-puso pogram of the SSG and it was successful.

            Last quarter is here, this is my last chance. Two months of preparation for college and I need to learn everything that I could use in the next level. This is no time for relaxation I need to do all things in double time. Time is really gold!

Monday, December 16, 2013

Essence of Christmas

                Sixteen years of existence, a hundred and more centuries celebrating Christmas. The question is did each of us know the true meaning and essence of it? Some say they are excited Christmas is coming. However, they are excited because of the gifts that they will receive. Others give gifts so that they would receive back something. Would it be much better if we just give something to someone because we care and love them and won’t expect for any exchange?
                It has been a tradition that for every Christmas most families have a reunion. Especially to those who have relatives abroad. When members of the families reunite with each other love surrounds them all. In this kind of reunions stories comes out and caring for one another is seen. There is this part where someone prepares food and others would help. Someone would prepare the table and there is this one who will help. Love doesn’t spark if there is this thing that every member wont execute which is the a smile it might be big or small.
                In this time for Christmas work should not come first unless you are a rescuer. Never try also to celebrate it alone. No one is an island everyone needs to be with someone. Wherever you might be never forget to greet those love ones you are not with. In this era it is possible to have a good communication to those who are apart from us so never hesitate to call or chat with them.
                Lastly, we celebrate Christmas because it is the day Christ was born. Show love to those who are around you and by doing that you also show your love to Jesus. For those who have enemies have peace with them, say I love you and give a hug to those who love you, give things from the bottom of your heart and lastly give thanks to the Lord.

                Have a Merry Christmas Everyone! :D